Nebraska Ornithologists' Union


Date of this Version


Document Type



Dinan, “Bald Eagle Nest Monitoring – Nebraska, 1997 Summary Report,” from Nebraska Bird Review (March 1998) 66(1).


Copyright 1998 Nebraska Ornithologists’ Union. Used by permission.


In 1997, 38 Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) nests in 22 counties were surveyed for breeding activity. Eagles occupied territories at 10 of these sites. These same 10 territories were occupied in 1996. Two separate, mid-July sightings of Bald Eagles along the Niobrara River, one of an adult and three juveniles in Knox County and one of an adult and a juvenile in Holt County, suggests the presence of additional nesting territories. All nest attempts in 1997 were successful, producing a total of 16 fledged young. The Lake Alice nest on the North Platte National Wildlife Refuge fell during a storm in late May. The two eaglets survived the fall and were raised on the ground until they fledged. One eaglet at the Keya Paha site fell from the nest but was cared for on the ground, eventually making its way back into the nest.
