Nebraska Ornithologists' Union
Date of this Version
Document Type
Subscription and Organization Information from Nebraska Bird Review (December 2011) 79(4).
The Nebraska Bird Review is published quarterly by the Nebraska Ornithologists' Union, Inc., as its official journal, and is sent to members not in arrears of dues. Annual subscription rates (on a calendar-year basis only): $15 in the United States, $18 in Canada, and $30 in all other countries, payable in advance. Single copies are $4 each, postpaid, in the United States, $5 in Canada, and $8 elsewhere. Send orders for back issues to Anita Breckbill, NOU Librarian, c/o Music Library, WMB 30, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 68588-0101.
Memberships in the NOU (on a calendar-year basis only): Active Household (one or more people) $25; Sustaining Household (one or more people willing to make an extra contribution) $40; Student $10. An application for membership can be found on the NOU website. Send dues and subscription requests to Betty Grenon, NOU Treasurer. Contributions to the NOU are tax deductible.
Send manuscripts and articles to Janis Paseka, Editor. Send quarterly bird reports and notes on bird sightings to Ross Silcock.
Copyright 2011 Nebraska Ornithologists’ Union. Used by permission.