Nebraska Ornithologists' Union


1982 (Fifty-Seventh) Spring Occurrence Report

Coyright 1982, Nebraska Ornithologists' Union. Used by permission.


Two hundred eight-seven species are listed in this report, from 15 locations. The comparable figures for 1981 are 298 species from 12 locations; 1980 298 from 14; and 1979 292 from 12. The symbols used in the tabulation are: Ja, Fe, Mr, Ap, My, and Je for the months.

b in the NW Edge column to indicate species recorded in both Cherry and Sheridan counties but not in Dawes or Sioux Counties.

c in the NE Edge column for records near Mead, about 22 miles southeast of the site of the other records.

P to indicate a species which is present all the year, although the same individuals may not be present during the whole year, and the numbers may vary greatly during the year.

p in the Boone County column for records from adjacent Platte County.