Nebraska Ornithologists' Union



Date of this Version


Document Type



"1989 Christmas Count," from Nebraska Bird Review (March 1990) 58(1).


Copyright 1990, Nebraska Ornithologists' Union. Used by permission.


One hundred three species and one hybrid were reported on the Christmas counts for 1989, and two were seen within the count circles during the count week, but not reported on the count, and there is the possibility that some of the "species" reported were ones not individually listed. The figures for last year, with one less reporting site, were 110, no hybrids, and two seen during the count week but not on the count day. The total individual count this year was 102,212, compared to 505,823 last year and 408,096 the year before. A drop of 264,575 Snow Geese from the 1988 count at DeSoto, and of 187,058 Red-winged Blackbirds from the 1987 count at Omaha, account for much of the difference.

The columns are arranged in a west (left) to east (right) order, with the northernmost of those with about the same longitude given first. The symbol H is used to indicate a species which was present in the count circle during the count week, but not recorded on the count day. Figures which were underlined on the reports are underlined in the table, to indicate high counts. Sightings reported as "species" are not included in the count of species reported if any of that group were reported.
