Nebraska Ornithologists' Union



Date of this Version


Document Type



"The Eighty-Ninth (1990) Annual Meeting," from Nebraska Bird Review (June 1990) 58(2).


Copyright 1990, Nebraska Ornithologists' Union. Used by permission.



Good weather and good birding, and "Welcome" flags on the main street, greeted the 103 who registered for the 1990 Annual Meeting at Falls City. A check of the last 10 previous meetings shows that the 1987 meeting at Valentine had 116 participants registered, but that was a joint meeting with South Dakota, and 39 of the participants were members of SDOU only, so that 77 (or less, there were 14 unaffiliated participants, some of whom may have attended only because of the South Dakota participation) would be the comparable figure for a Nebraska meeting. The next highest attendance was "about" 85 at Scottsbluff/Gering in 1988. The total species recorded (161) was also higher than for any of the 10 previous meetings, but the 126 recorded from Nebraska was exceeded at all meetings since 1984. However, 10 were species not recorded in the 10 previous meetings (shown in italics in the list below).

Friday night a talk on "The Early History of the Human Inhabitants of Indian Cave State Park" was given by Larry Cook, Park Superintendent, and Saturday morning was devoted to birding at the Park. Saturday afternoon Gary Lingle spoke on the Platte River flows and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission decision. The annual business meeting followed. Five changes to the NOU Bylaws, proposed in the March/April NOU Newsletter, were discussed. Two changes were passed and, after rigorous discussion, the other three were tabled for further work and will be brought up again at a future meeting. Article III, Officers, Section 6 now reads: "The Secretary, or his/her designate, shall act as clerk of all meetings of the Corporation and the Board of Directors, preparing records and minutes in permanent form. The Secretary shall be responsible for sending the members any necessary announcements, including those of annual and special meetings, also for preparation of mail ballots." Article III, Officers, Section 9, now reads: "The Librarian shall have supervision of the permanent records, publications held for sale, and the library, and shall be responsible for their care and maintenance, and for keeping a record of publications sold and moneys received, and for remitting such receipts at least quarterly to the Treasurer." Changes to Article V, Section 1 were tabled and additions of Sections 5 and 6 to Article V were also tabled. It was decided that the Occurrence Reports, the Christmas Count, and the Nesting Survey should continue to be published annually in the Review in their present or similar forms.
