"NOU Bird Count, May 19-21, 1995, and Sarpy County North American Migra"

Nebraska Ornithologists' Union



Date of this Version


Document Type



"NOU Bird Count, May 19-21, 1995, and Sarpy County North American Migration Count, May 13, 1995," from Nebraska Bird Review (June 1995) 63(2).


Copyright 1995, Nebraska Ornithologists' Union. Used by permission.


The following table includes the 129 species seen in five counties during the spring meeting of the Nebraska ornithologists' Union at Camp Calvin Crest near Fremont, NE. Sarpy County also includes species recorded for the North American Migration Count on May 13, 1995. These are shown as numbers versus check marks for the NOU count.

Data for the Sarpy County North American Migration Count:

The count on 13 May, 1995 lasted from 6:00 AM to 7:30 PM, the temperature ranged from 53° to 77° F, the wind ranged from south at 8 mph to west at 29 mph. There were 28 observers in 11 parties, and collectively they spent 47 hours on foot, walking 39.5 miles, and 17.5 hours by car, driving 208.5 miles.

Participants: Mary Lou Alfieri, Betty Allen, Roland Barth, Elliott Bedows, Mardell BUss, Lisa Currier, Nellie Falzgraf, Sue Gentes, Ruth Green, Betty Grenon, Clem Klaphake, Ray Korpi, Jim Kovanda, Sandy Kovanda, Don Maas, Jim McLochlin, Shirley Noar, Babs Padelford, Loren Padelford, Janis Paseka, Don Paseka, Skip Rainy, Dick Rasmussen, Izen Ratzlaff, Neal Ratzlaff, Kathleen Rose, Chris Williams, Duane Wolf.
