"Sixty-Five Years of Whooping Crane Records in Nebraska" by Paul A. Johnsgard and Richard Redfield

Nebraska Ornithologists' Union


Date of this Version


Document Type



Johnsgard & Redfield, "Sixty-Five Years of Whooping Crane Records in Nebraska," from Nebraska Bird Review (December 1977) 45(4).


Copyright 1977, Nebraska Ornithologists' Union. Used by permission.


In 1933, Myron Swenk determined the status of the Whooping Crane in Nebraska by summarizing all of the records then available to him, and established the general pattern of timing and geographic distribution of Whooping Crane occurrence in this state. Although the population of this species has remained very low since that time, a sufficient number of observations have been made to warrant updating his analysis and comparing the more recent records with these earlier ones. During the summer of 1977 the junior author undertook such a summary as a class project, by extracting such records from all of the issues of Nebraska Bird Review from the fall of 1933 through the spring of 1977. No other sources such as newspapers were utilized, although it is possible that some acceptable records may have been overlooked as a result. The materials were prepared for publication by the senior author
