Nebraska Ornithologists' Union
Date of this Version
Document Type
"1979 Christmas Count," from Nebraska Bird Review (March 1980) 48(1).
Ninety-nine species (four less than last year) were reported in the 1979 Christmas Count, and one species was reported present but not seen on the count. (There was no such species reported last year.) This drop was in spite of one more count - from Kearney - this year. The number of additional races reported - three - was the same as last year. The individual count this year was 188,102 compared to 90,000 last year, and most of the increase was due to the Snow Goose and Mallard counts along the Missouri River, which in turn was due to the relatively open winter to the time of the counts. Only twelve species were reported from all stations this year, compared to seventeen last year, and surprisingly, the Brown Creeper was one of the twelve.
Copyright 1980, Nebraska Ornithologists' Union. Used by permission.