Nebraska Ornithologists' Union
Date of this Version
Document Type
"1988 Fall Field Day," from Nebraska Bird Review (December 1988) 56(4).
There were 65 people who attended part or all of the 1988 Fall Meeting at Halsey Forest 8-9 October. This included Dr. Jan Skoudin, of Prague, Czechoslovakia. Saturday night Dr. Julie Ann Savidge spoke on “The Extinction of an Island Forest Avifauna by an Introduced Snake”, a summary of her investigation of the brown tree snake’s effect on Guam’s avifauna. There was also a short slide show. The rest of the time was available for birding. A few NOU members came early enough on Friday to work with members of the US Forest Service on a butterfly and hummingbird garden near the entrance to the Forest. The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission had provided funds for some lattice-work frames which the Forest Service had erected.
Copyright 1988, Nebraska Ornithologists' Union. Used by permission.