Nebraska Game and Parks Commission


Document Type


Date of this Version

August 1967


Published by Journal of Mammalogy Vol. 48, No.3. Copyright Journal of Mammalogy. Used by permission.


An adult female swift fox (Vulpes velox) was killed by an automobile 1 mile E Ringgold, McPherson Co., Nebraska, on 25 March 1966. Standard external measurements (mm) of this specimen are: 723, 275, 132, 59, and weight, 2000 g. This record is approximately 80 miles south of the nearest occurrence listed by Jones (Univ. Kansas Publ., Mus. Nat. Hist., 16: 1-356, 1964) and appears to be the first verification of the occurrence of this fox in the Nebraska Sandhills, although specimens have been taken on all sides of this area. Jones (1964) indicated that this species may have been extirpated in Nebraska in the early 1900's as there was only one record of specimens being taken in the State (a female and two kits in 1953 or 1954) since 1900. Although this record of the swift fox raises more questions concerning possible changes in its range and numbers than are answered, it merits attention particularly since Jones (1964) indicated that this species is making an apparent comeback in the southern portion of its range.
