Nebraska Game and Parks Commission



Greg Wingfield

Document Type


Date of this Version



Nebraska's Vanishing Species was published in December 1992, by NEBRASKAland Magazine (Nebraska Game and Parks Commission) and supported in part with funds from the Nebraska Non-game Wildlife Tax Checkoff Fund. "Nebraska's Vanishing Species, " by Greg Wingfield, endangered species specialist; "Nebraska's Vanishing Habitats," by Gerry Steinauer, community ecologist, both of the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. Cover and back cover photos by Jon Farrar. For more information about Nebraska's threatened and endangered species, or for additional copies of this publication, contact the Wildlife Division, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, P.O. Box 30370, Lincoln, NE, 68503.


Nebraskans are blessed with a rich heritage - friendly, hard-working people, unique landforms and diverse natural resources, including native species of plants and animals. Unfortunately, an irreplaceable part of this heritage, our threatened and endangered species, is vanishing.
Simply stated, a threatened species is one likely to become endangered. An endangered species is one so rare that it is in danger of becoming extinct. Extinction is the loss of a species from this world.
