Nebraska Game and Parks Commission


Date of this Version


Document Type

Technical Report


Rolfsmeier, Steven B. 1998. Ecological Evaluation for the West Ash Creek Potential Research Natural Area, Pine Ridge Ranger Unit, Nebraska National Forest. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. 18pp.


The West Ash Creek Potential Research Natural Area is located within pastures 6, 7, and 11 of the Pine Ridge Unit of the Nebraska National Forest ca 18 mi. (30 km) southwest of Chadron, Nebraska. The area consists of ca 1020 acres of mostly successional pine forest burned in a 1985 wildfire, with unburned forest, some grassland, and riparian canyon bottoms. The area is within the Pine Ridge ecosystem of the White River watershed in northwestern Nebraska. The area has remained ungrazed nearly continuously since 1986.

This document was prepared to provide the Forest Service with information to determine the suitability of the West Ash Creek area as a Research Natural Area (RNA). The specific area and boundaries for evaluation were selected by Nebraska National Forest Personnel. The objectives of the evaluation were to preserve examples of typical pine woodland and forest, riparian canyon bottom, and upland prairie communities of the Pine Ridge ecosystem; to protect elements of biodiversity; to emphasize non-manipulative research, education, observation, and monitoring within the area; and to provide a reference area for comparing the effects of management in similar habitats in the Pine Ridge Ranger District of the Nebraska National Forest.
