Nebraska Game and Parks Commission
Date of this Version
December 1964
Document Type
The relation between chemical, physical and biological indices was examined in 1,640 sandhill lakes during the years of 1954 to 1963. Sandhill lakes are formed by either (1) wind deflation basins and closed drainages or (2) exposed ground water table basins. Topography of the 20,000 square mile sandhill region is primarily stabilized dune sand interspersed with wet meadows and pine - cedar - oak river drainage systems. Two-thirds of the area is dune sandhills and one-third occupied by basins, valleys and lakes.
All of the lakes are comparatively shallow, the deepest lake being Blue Lake with 13.8 feet. The average depth of the 1,640 lakes is around 3.2 feet. The lakes have a combined area of 65,800 surface acres ranging in size from 10 to 2,300 acres. Permanent natural lakes less than 10 acres were not included in the survey but number about 850. Average rainfall is less than 18.0 inches a year.
Copyright © 1960 Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. Used by permission.