Nebraska State Historical Society



Date of this Version



Published in Transactions and Reports of the Nebraska State Historical Society, Volume I (Lincoln, NE, 1885).


SMITH SAMUEL CALDWELL died at Omaha, .............., 1884. He was the son of a farmer in Marion, Wayne county, New York, where he was born in 1834. He was a graduate of Union College, and came to Omaha in 1859. He was a lawyer by profession, and undertook its practice here, but soon afterwards engaged in the banking business, which he successfully pursued with a high reputation as a financier for nearly a quarter of a century. He was at first in the firm of Barrons, Millard & Co.; then in the firm of Millard, Caldwell & Co.; then in that of Caldwell, Hamilton & Co.; and latterly in the U. S. National Bank, of which he was vice-president and the largest stockholder when he died.

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