"The Nebraska Transcript, Fall 2016, Vol. 49 No.2"

Law, College of



Date of this Version

Fall 2016

Document Type



The Nebraska Transcript, Fall 2016, Vol. 49 No.2


©2016 The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska.


3 Dean’s Message

4 Faculty Notes: Jack M. Beard, Kristen M. Blankley, Eve M. Brank, Richard F. Duncan, Eric Berger, Justin (Gus) Hurwitz, Richard A. Leiter, Brian D. Lepard, Colleen E. Medill, Richard E. Moberly, Sandra B. Placzek, Stefanie S. Pearlman, Harvey S. Perlman, Matthew P. Schaefer, Anthony B. Schutz, Brett C. Stohs, Ryan P. Sullivan, Jessica A. Shoemaker, Adam Thimmesch, Frans G. von der Dunk

9 Professor Kristen Blankley receives tenure

10 Blankley - A Uniform Theory of Federal Court Jurisdiction Under the Federal Arbitration Act

12 ‘Smile that it happened:’ The Larry Berger era— By Professor Steve Willborn

21 Law College unveils smartphone app to support “Build Your Character” program

24 Jeremy Neilsen wins American Bar Association Forum on Construction Student Writing Competition

24 Chris Schmidt wins 2015-16 Louis Jackson National Student Memorial Writing Competition in employment and labor law

25 National Jurist selects Christopher Schmidt as a Law Student of the Year

26 Billie Gallagher spends summer in The White House

27 Lyle Denniston addresses spring commencement

32 Ben Sasse delivers inaugural Attorney General Jon Bruning Public Service Lecture

33 Beth Townsend, ’89, leads Iowa Workforce Development

36 Zellmer, Riley, Pierce, Schmidt recognized by Alumni Council

37 AlumNotes

43 In Memoriam: Paul W. Deck, William Franklin Ginn, Donald C. Farber, Duane Acklie, Soren S. “Sam” Jensen, William James Gourley, Fredric H. Kauffman, Donn K. Bieber, Leland K. “Lee” Kovarik Jr., William L. Howland, John G. Liakos, Carroll L. Lucht, Gregory Gene Jensen,

45 Report on giving

59 Calendar

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