"Agriculture Builders of Nebraska, Inc." by John Owens

Agriculture and Natural Resources, Institute of (IANR)


Date of this Version



Delivered January 15, 2003 to the Agriculture Builders of Nebraska, Inc.


There’s a story that a construction foreman one day noticed one of his workers pushing his wheelbarrow upside down around the work site.
“Hey,” the foreman shouted, “turn that thing right side up!”
The man with the wheelbarrow looked at him in surprise. “Don’t be silly,” he said. “Every time I do that, they put bricks in it!”
I think of that story sometimes, in the midst of these difficult economic times, as our states, its people, and its university, in turn, wrestle with budge cuts. Wouldn’t it be great if we all could just turn our wheelbarrows over and say, “No thanks, no more brick! No more heavy loads to haul!”

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