Department of Physics and Astronomy: Publications and Other Research
Date of this Version
I present new comparisons of AGN optical, UV, and X-ray variations. These reveal complex relationships between the different passbands that can change with time in a given object. While there is evidence from several objects that X-ray and optical activity levels are correlated on long timescales, variations on shorter timescales can occur independently. It is proposed that the combination of correlated and uncorrelated short-timescale variability is a consequence of anisotropic high-energy emission. It is also argued that the correlation between X-ray and optical variability on long timescales must be due to a common underlying factor and not to reprocessing of X-ray radiation.
Published in AGN Variability from X-rays to Radio Waves ASP Conference Series, Vol. 390, 2006. Copyright © 2006 by C.M. Gaskell, I.M. McHardy, B.M. Peterson, and S.G. Sergeev. Used by permission.