Department of Physics and Astronomy: Publications and Other Research


Date of this Version


Document Type



Astron. & Astrophys. 21, 45--49 (1972)


Copyright 1972 European Southern Observatory


We consider "soft" pulsations in a massive main-sequence star, and attempt to investigate the regime in which the motion is nonlinear but not strongly so. The star is assumed to begin its finite amplitude pulsation in the linear fundamental mode. The adiabatic equation of motion is expanded (schematically) to third order in the radial amplitude, and a solution sought in the form of a Fourier series over an interval which turns out not to deviate much from the fundamental period of pulsation. Arguments based on the size of successive terms are used to isolate a set of five equations, the iterative solution of which should provide a complete and consistent description of weakly nonlinear adiabatic pulsations to the order required. Finally, it is shown that the existence of resonances does not pose any a priori objection to the iterative technique.
