Agricultural Economics Department


Date of this Version


Document Type



Nebraska Metro Poll, Research Report (December 2021) 21-3, 21 pages

Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Also available at


Most metropolitan Nebraskans believe they are better off than they were five years ago, are better off compared to their parents when they were their age and will be better off ten years from now. However, certain groups are more likely to be optimistic about their current situation and their expected future. Persons with higher household incomes are more likely than persons with lower incomes to think they are better off compared to five years ago, are better off compared to their parents when they were their age and will be better off ten years from now. And, persons with construction, installation or maintenance occupations are more likely than persons with different occupations to believe they are better off compared to five years ago and will be better off ten years from now.

Most metropolitan Nebraskans disagree that people are powerless to control their own lives. Education does factor into this belief. Persons with higher education levels are more likely than persons with less education to disagree that people are powerless to control their own lives.

Overall, metropolitan Nebraskans are most satisfied with their family, their marriage, their transportation, their education, their day-to-day personal safety, and their friends. They are most dissatisfied with financial security during retirement and current income level.

Some differences in their satisfaction levels are noted. Persons with lower household incomes are more likely than persons with higher household incomes to express dissatisfaction with their ability to build assets/wealth. Married persons are more likely than different marital groups to be satisfied with their general quality of life. And, persons with higher household incomes are more likely than persons with lower incomes to report satisfaction with their day-to-day personal safety.
