Sociology, Department of


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Published in Men and Masculinities 21:2 (2018), pp 313-315.

DOI: 10.1177/1097184X18766568


Copyright © 2018 Trenton Haltom. Published by SAGE Publications. Used by permission.


In his book Mostly Straight: Sexual Fluidity among Men, Savin-Williams offers an analysis of new shifts in millennial men’s not-so-heterosexual sexual identities. Some “mostly straight” men admit romantic crushes on close male friends, while others attest to fantasizing about sex with other men. All the while, they maintain that their primary sexual and romantic attraction is to women. Bisexuality is not on the table for these men; they are straight—well, mostly. ...

An easy-to-read work, Mostly Straight consists of a number of substantive chapters broken up by individual interviews. The intended audience for Mostly Straight varies from the academically inclined to the curious reader. Mostly Straight is a significant addition to the growing body of scholarship on sexual fluidity and flexibility among straight men. For the inquisitive reader, a concluding chapter, “If You Believe You Are Mostly Straight,” provides a checklist for questioning men—an opportunity to understand where their same-sex interests fit within the confines of heterosexuality. For the classroom, Mostly Straight would make a contribution to any syllabus on the topic of sexualities, masculinities, or, gender and compliments an interdisciplinary approach.
