Southeast Research and Extension Center
Date of this Version
1982 was a year of challenges for all the various members of our unit including the researcher, the extension worker, the forester, and all the support staff. Our program year started on October 1, 1981 and ended on September 30, 1982.
From the agriculture standpoint, it has been a difficult year. The fall of 1981 was not favorable to the agricultural producer. Rain, freezing temperatures and even light snow was prevalent in October, 1981. Throughout the winter of 91-82, it was cold and snow was on the ground most of the winter.
It was not uncommon for counties in the spring of 1982 to receive five inches or more of rainfall during a week. Parts of the district received nearly 15 inches of rain in two days. This abundance of rainfall caused considerable crop loss not only from the watsr, but from the hail received around the district.
The extremely wet weather of May, when most of the winter wheat was flowering, caused many problems. A disease known as "head scab" attacked much of the wheat south of the Platte River. This was the first time in 31 years that this disease was a problem. Vomitoxins caused by the scab disease were found on the grain and straw which reduced their value. The disease changed a good prospective wheat crop in May to a very poor crop by harvest time. Many of the yields were reduced and test weights were poor. The wheat straw was questionable for use even as bedding for livestock. This fall many farmers were searching for good seed wheat was the germination on some of the 1982 crop wheat was poor.
Farmers were pleasantly surprised by the yields and maturity of the fall harvested crops. By mid-August it did not appear that many of our fall crops would mature before the first killing frost. However, the frost was delayed and a good harvest is expected.
Published by the Southeast Extension and Research Center and Extension District V (1982) 1-79; Copyright University of Nebraska