Department of Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education


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Romjue, A. (2016). LinguaFolio® Implementation at the Classroom Level: A collective case study of North Carolina teachers (Doctoral Dissertation).


A DISSERTATION Presented to the Faculty of The Graduate College at the University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements For the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Major: Educational Studies, Under the Supervision of Professor Aleidine J. Moeller. Lincoln, Nebraska: July, 2016

Copyright (c) 2016 Amanda Romjue


LinguaFolio® is a language learning portfolio with a rich history rooted in educational research. This study explores the evolution of LinguaFolio®, a learning and self-assessment tool whose origins can be traced back to the European Language Portfolio (ELP). LinguaFolio® is a learning tool designed to promote self-regulated language learning through goal-setting, task-based language learning, and self-assessment and reflection. This study examined the implementation of LinguaFolio® by five experienced, exemplary teachers in order to better understand how LinguaFolio® can best be integrated into the language classroom.

LinguaFolio® is a highly customizable language learning portfolio that teachers are encouraged to adapt to their own individual contexts. The gap in the literature that this study proposes to fill is to provide illustrative examples of teacher practice with LinguaFolio®. This collective case study presents five cases of LinguaFolio® implementation in classrooms in North Carolina. Data was collected by observing teachers in their classrooms, interviewing teachers to discuss their insights, and document collection and analysis to provide further inspiration for using LinguaFolio®.

The overarching question this study sought to answer was “How does LinguaFolio® implementation work at the classroom level?” In order to provide perspectives on this question, five cases of implementation are presented as narrative descriptions of the observation, interviews, and documents collected in this study. Next an analysis of each case is presented, guided by the supporting research questions of this study. A cross-case analysis of the practices of the participants were situated within a framework developed throughout the literature review, the Simplified Implementation Cycle. Finally, the study concludes by reconsidering the overarching research question, considering the limitations of the study, presenting a set of suggestions for teachers wishing to implement LinguaFolio®, and directions for future research.

Advisor: Aleidine Kramer Moeller
