Textiles Studies


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Bridges-Donostia 2007 Conference Excursion Report, pp. 1-7.


Midsummer’s green along the flanks of the Pyrenees in Basque country welcomed us as we drove from Donostia (San Sebastian) west to Gernika and Bilbao. The mountains to the south physically separate this area of northern Spain from the rest of the Iberian Peninsula. To the north lies the Atlantic with its vast expanse of water, gentle waves lapping at the shore. The mountain slopes here are profoundly uplifted and folded – nature’s deformations of the plane – and the steep valleys and rushing rivers exhibit visible geometric perspectives of geological forms. To be here in summer makes one especially aware of the lushness of the landscape and the bounty of both land and sea. We could enjoy seafood and fresh fish, ripe figs and grapes, pork products and a variety of cheeses, all specialties of the region, justly famous for their Basque flavors as well as attention to presentation of colors and textures and perfect balances of bitter, sweet, salty, sour tastes.

Figure 1. Louise Bourgeois, Maman (1999), at the entrance to Guggenheim Museum Bilbao. Figure 2. Old Assembly Hall, Gernika. Figure 3. Stained glass ceiling (detail) in new Assembly Hall, Gernika. Figure 4 (left) Eduardo Chillida, Gure aitaren etxea (Our Father’s House, 1987) Figure 5 (right) Henry Moore, Large Figure in a Shelter (1986). Figure 5. Reception Room, City Hall in Bilbao. Figure 6. Zubizuri Bridge designed by Santiago Calatrava (1990-1997), Bilbao. Figure 7 Guggenheim Museum Bilbao.

To experience these visual trompes d’oeil with colleagues and friends from Bridges – Donostia is a privilege not easily shared in a written format, yet it is one that will be treasured in each of our memories for years to come. As we departed, a ball of fire shown down, illuminating the space around us as the weather decided what to do. As night fell and the stars came out, exhausted, we were reminded of Kiefer’s “Secret Life of Plants” (branches, plaster, wire, lead, canvas, 2001-02), and his dictum, “Every Plant has Its Related Star in the Sky.”
