Nebraska Academy of Sciences


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1991. Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences, XVIII: 11-17. Copyright © 1991 Hesse and Mestl.


The United States Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Geological Survey, and Nebraska Game and Parks Commission cooperated in 1989 to obtain physical data from cross-section transects along the unchannelized Missouri River in northeastern Nebraska. Bed-sediment samples were collected from locations along these transects and taken to the laboratory. Mean particle-size and standard deviation were determined by weighing material retained on seven U.S. Standard sieves after being on a sieve shaker for six minutes. Organic matter content of each sample was obtained by ashing an aliquot in a muffle furnace to remove the organic portion. A new system for coding sediment mixtures was developed, and coded sediment and organic matter content were compared with depth and velocity in a regression analysis. The most common mean particle-size was determined to be medium sand; however, some samples were as coarse as fine gravel. Organic-matter content was less then 3% for the most part; however, it was measured as high as 20%. Sediment and organic matter were related to depth and velocity; however, r-square values were low, suggesting that other factors contribute to the observed variability in the sediment mixtures and organic matter content.

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