Nebraska Academy of Sciences



Date of this Version


Document Type



1987. Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences XV: i-vi


Nebraska Academy of Sciences, Officers, Policy committee ................. ii

Editorial Board ................. iv

Membership Objectives and Friends of the Academy ................. vi

Biological and Medical Sciences

Anatomical variations in the articular disc of the human temporomandibular joint (John M. Barton and Margaret A. Ellenbecker) ................. 1

Biological features of saline wetlands in Lancaster County, Nebraska (James E. Ducey) ................. 5

An ichthyological survey of Weeping Water Creek, Nebraska (David R. Golden) ................. 15

The characteristics and phytogeographic affinities of the flora of Nine-Mile Prairie, a western tall-grass prairie in Nebraska (Robert B. Kaul and Steven B. Rolfsmeier) ................. 23

Comparison of plant species composition of Mormon Island Crane Meadows and Lillian Annette Rowe Sanctuary in central Nebraska (Harold G. Nagel and Ole A. Kolstad) ................. 37

New and corrected records of the flora of Nebraska (Rolfsmeier, Kaul, and Sutherland) ................. 49

Woody plants of the Lower Platte Valley: an annotated checklist (Steven J. Rothenberger) ................. 53

Earth Sciences

Underground water problem at Chadron, Nebraska: causes and solutions (Arthur W. Struempler) ................. 59

Radon and radon daughters: characteristics, health effects, and occurrence in dwellings in Chadron, Nebraska (Arthur W. Struempler and Steven E. Johnson) ................. 69

Calippus regulus (Mammalia: Equidae) in the Penny Creek Local Fauna (Clarendonian), Webster County, Nebraska (Voorhies, Corner, and Fitzgibbon) ................. 75

History of Science

Contributions of Moriz Kaposi to knowledge of cancer and precancerous conditions: Kaposi's sarcoma and xeroderma pigmentosum (Anne J. Krush) ................. 83

Included in

Life Sciences Commons
