Nebraska Academy of Sciences


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Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences- Volume VII, 1979. Copyright © 1979 Streumpler


This study provides baseline data for many of the chemical constituents occurring in ground water in northwestern Nebraska and contiguous parts of Wyoming and South Dakota; it also projects the chemical behavior of water from similar geologic environments. Samples were collected from springs issuing mainly from the Pine Ridge escarpment and wells tapping aquifers in Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary rocks. The 139 water samples were analyzed for fifteen chemical constituents, including lithium and heavy-metals (Le., uranium, manganese, silver, lead, cadmium, and copper). The chemical composition of spring water is similar to that of well water from mid-Tertiary sandstones. Water from the older formations tend to have increasing concentrations of many chemical constituents. Uranium concentrations in excess of 100 ppb occurred in water from eight wells. Although a few metal pairs exhibit narrow correlation values, most pairs show a wide correlation-coefficient pattern from well water of the various formations.

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