Great Plains Natural Science Society


The Prairie Naturalist

Date of this Version


Document Type



Proceedings of the 23rd North American Prairie Conference, August 2012, University of Manitoba in Winnipeg

The Prairie Naturalist 46: 90-97. August 2014


Published by the Great Plains Natural Science Society, 2014. Used by permission.


Project Prairie began in 2011 as a curriculum-linked integrated environmental studies program to showcase the Rice Lake Plains (RLP), a tallgrass prairie landscape of sandy rolling hills located at the eastern extent of the Oak Ridges Moraine in southern Ontario. Project Prairie provides educators both indoor and outdoor activities that support their curriculum and share the story of the RLP. Project Prairie provides teacher and student resources that focus on the RLP from the mid-nineteenth century to present day. Learning objectives of Project Prairie are developed from the subjects of science, social science, language arts, geography, history, and Aboriginal culture. Additional educational resources that have been produced include a puppet show, maps, an educational booklet with poster, species at risk cards, species at risk booklet, magnets, and a website. The curriculum material can be used on smart boards, thereby giving students the most up-to-date educational experience. Project Prairie grew from successful work completed by Alderville First Nation Black Oak Savanna (ABOS) and other partners in the Rice lake Plains Joint Initiative (RLPJI). The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) forged the multi-partner RLPJI in 2002 to raise awareness and work collaboratively to restore tallgrass prairie and savanna habitats on a landscape scale. To date, the partnership has grown to ten organizations that help deliver Project Prairie to students across the RLP.
