Great Plains Natural Science Society


The Prairie Naturalist

Date of this Version


Document Type



The Prairie Naturalist (March 2006) 38(1)

Full issue

Associate editor for mammalogy: Brock R. McMillan

Associate editor for ornithology: Gregory A. Smith


Fire History, Passerine Abundance, and Habitat on a North Dakota Drift Plain Prairie by Timothy J. Ludwick and Robert T. Murphy, pages 1-11

Bats in a Human-made Forest of Central Nebraska by Keith Geluso, pages 13-23

Effects of Predator Removal on Upland Nesting Ducks in North Dakota Grassland Fragments by Kristen D. Chodachek and Michael J. Chamberlain, pages 25-37

Estimates of Breeding Bird Populations in the Sheyenne National Grassland, North Dakota by Mary Ann Cunningham, Douglas H. Johnson, and Daniel N. Svingen, pages 39-56

Notes: First Record of the Spurge Hawkmoth as a Pollen Vector for the western Prairie Fringed Orchid by Carla R. Jordan, Gerald M Fauske1 , Marion O. Harris, and Darla Lenz, pages 57-62

Notes: Observations of Interactions between Swift Fox and American Badger by David E. Ausband and Elizabeth A. Ausband, pages 63-64

Suggestions for contributors, page 65

Editorial policy, page 66

The cover and its artist, inside back cover

Table of contents, back cover
