Tractor Test and Power Museum, The Lester F. Larsen


Nebraska Tractor Tests

Date of this Version

January 1919


The object of these rules, instructions and data is to make all tractor demonstrations of this kind comparable and of the greatest educational value. Anyone who has conducted tractor demonstrations in the past has realized the necessity of some standard rules to follow and those who afterwards have referred to the results, deplore the lack of uniformity in the demonstrations and the data. For those who have not had this experience will find that it is a great help to have satisfactory rules to follow.

The value of these demonstrations depends largely upon the accuracy of the data reported on both the conditions and results. The fuel consumption per acre, for instance, is much more interesting when the condition of the soil is known, and this varies so often in the same field that the conditions for each tractor should be carefully considered and specified in the data.

Fuel test should not be undertaken unless that work is under the direction of a competent engineer and preferably representatives of the Agricultural Engineering Department of the State Agricultural College.
