Textile Society of America



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From Textiles in Trade: Proceedings of the Textile Society of America Biennial Symposium, September 14–16, 1990, Washington, DC


Copyright © 1990 by the author(s).




A Brief History of the Textile Society of America. Milton Sonday


Keynote Address: Silk in European and American Trade before 1783: A Commodity of Commerce or Frivolous Luxury? Natalie Rothstein

British Exports to the USA, 1776-1914: Organization and Strategy.

The British Linen Trade with the United States in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. Negley Harte

Transatlantic Trade in Woollen Cloth 1850-1914: The Role of Shoddy. David T. Jenkins

Cottons and Printed Textiles. Stanley Chapman

The American Market for Indian Textiles, 1785-1820: In the Twilight of Traditional Cloth Manufacture. Susan S. Bean

The Manufacture and Trade of Luxury Textiles in the Age of Mercantilism. Elisabeth Mikosch

A "Little Book of Samples": Evidence of Textiles Traded to the American Indians. Rita J. Adrosko

African Textile Trade.

A Documentation of African Trade Cloths in the Philadelphia Port of History Museum. Lisa. L Aronson

Textiles in Trade in West Africa. Brigitte Menzel

The Role of the Middleman in the Trade of Real Madras Handkerchief (Madras Plaids). Sandra Lee Evenson

Reconstructing the Ancient Aegean/Egyptian Textile Trade. Elizabeth Barber

Keynote Address: Textiles and Trade in Tokugawa Japan. William B. Hauser

The Impact of the Mediterranean Silk Trade on Western Europe before 1200 A.D. Anna Muthesius

Middle Eastern Textiles in Trade.

Allegories Unveiled: European Sources for a Safavid Velvet. Mary A, McWilliams

The Market for Domestic and Imported Textiles in Sixteenth Century Istanbul. Yvonne J. Seng

Of Cabbages and Kings: Prices of Mughal Furnishing Fabrics and the Meaning of Mughal Money. Ellen S. Smart

Carpets for Commerce: Rug-Weaving in the Caucasus. Carol Bier

Indian Trade Cloth in Egypt: The Newberry Collection Ruth Barnes

Textiles in Southeast Asian Trade.

Revolving Bananas: The Influences of Indian Trade Textiles on Javanese Batik Design. (Precis only.) Robyn Maxwell

Local Textile Trading Systems in Indonesia: An Example from Flores Island. Roy W. Hamilton

Labor Organization and Textile Trade in Northern Thailand in the Nineteenth Century. Katherine A. Bowie

Indian Textiles for the Thai Market: A Royal Prerogative? (Precis only.) John Guy

Ancient West Mexican Clothing and Its Ecuadorian Origins: New Evidence of Maritime Contacts. (Precis only.) Patricia Rieff Anawalt

Traditional Textiles in the Tourist Trade.

Studio and Soiree; The Use and Misuse of Chinese Textiles in a European Setting. Verity Wilson

Toba Batak Textile Invention. Sandra A. Niessen

Trade in Hispanic Weavings of Northern New Mexico and the Social Construction of Tradition. Suzanne Baizerman

Modern Traditions: The Impact of the Trade in Traditional Textiles on the Sakaka of Northern Potosi, Bolivia. Elayne L. Zorn

Woollen Textile Production in Momostenango, Guatemala. Anne M. Lambert

Moccasins into Slippers: Traditions and Transformations in Nineteenth Century Woodlands

Indian Textiles. Ruth B. Phillips

Trade and the Post-War Textile Industry in the United States. Lynn Felsher

Textile Design in the Marketplace. John E. Vollmer
