UCARE: Undergraduate Creative Activities & Research Experiences


UCARE Research Products

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UCARE Poster session, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Research Fair, April 2016, Lincoln, NE.


Copyright © 2016 Ellen Dolph, Keunyea Song, Amy Burgin, and Trenton Franz


Nebraska’s Eastern Saline Wetlands are unique ecosystems endemic to the Salt and Rock Creek waters in Lancaster and Saunders County.

They provide an ecosystem services as well as habitat for endangered species such as the state endangered saltwort (Salicornia rubra) and federally endangered Salt Creek tiger beetle (Cicindela nevadica lincolniana).

Over 80 % of the saline wetlands are highly degraded and in recent years, the Saline Wetland Conservation Partnership has formed to conserve and restore the remaining saline wetland fragments, but there is limited information about inland saline wetland restoration. Purpose: Investigate techniques to better conserve these saline wetlands and native saline vegetation communities through habitat restoration and plant growth and diversity.

Research Question/ Objectives:

How plant growth responds to saline wetland restoration techniques, specifically water application of different salinity levels and seeding time to find optimal restoration conditions

Understanding how soil and water salinity effect plant germination, growth and diversity so restoration methods can be improved
