U.S. Department of Agriculture: Forest Service -- National Agroforestry Center
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BACKGROUND: The mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae), is the most destructive bark beetle in western North America. Dendroctonus ponderosae can be prevented from successfully colonizing and killing individual trees by ground-based sprays of insecticides applied directly to the tree bole. However, the future availability of several active ingredients, including carbarylwhich is most commonly used in thewestern United States, is uncertain. Two novel insecticides, cyantraniliprole [Cyazypyr ™-OD (oil dispersion) and Cyazypyr ™-SC (suspension concentrate)] and chlorantraniliprole (Rynaxypyr ®), and carbaryl were assayed in both filter paper and topical assays.
RESULTS: Compared with 20 000 mg L−1 carbaryl (i.e. the maximum label rate for solutions applied to conifers for protection from bark beetle attack in the western United States), cyantraniliprole OD caused similar rates of mortality in D. ponderosae adults at 400-fold weaker concentrations in both bioassays, while cyantraniliprole SC caused similar rates of mortality at 40-fold weaker concentrations. Probit analyses confirmed that D. ponderosae is most sensitive to cyantraniliprole OD, while chlorantraniliprole was effective at concentrations similar to carbaryl.
CONCLUSIONS: Theseresults suggest that lower concentrations of carbaryl have merit for field testing than have been previously considered. While cyantraniliprole and chlorantraniliprole have similar modes of action, cyantraniliprole OD appears to have greater promise for protecting individual trees from mortality attributed to D. ponderosae attack and should be evaluated in field studies.
Published in Pest Manag Sci 2011; 67: 548–555. DOI 10.1002/ps.2094