"Fullerene-Encapsulated Atoms in the Light of Synchrotron Radiation" by A. M. Müller, S. Schippers et al.

U.S. Department of Energy


Date of this Version



The Fourth International Symposium on Atomic Cluster Collisions (ISACC 2009)


Mass-selected beams of endohedral fullerene Ce@C+82 ions, of atomic Ceq+ ions (q=2,3,4), and of empty fullerene-cage C+82 ions were employed to study photoionization of fullerene-encapsulated and free cerium atoms. The Ce 4d inner-shell contributions to single and double ionization of the endohedral Ce@C+82 fullerene have been extracted from the data and compared with expectations based on theory and the experiments with atomic Ce ions. Dramatic reduction and redistribution of the ionization contributions to Ce 4d photoabsorption is observed. More than half of the Ce 4d oscillator strength is apparently diverted to additional decay channels of the Ce@C+82 complex.
