Water Center, The


Date of this Version



Texas Board of Water Engineers, Freestone County, Texas. Prepared in Cooperation with the United States Department of the Interior, Geological Survey, June 1, 1937, reprinted May 1950. 86 pages and 1 map, "Map of Freestone County, Texas, showing locations of water wells listed."


U. S. government work.



The purpose of this survey was to obtain information concerning existing wells and springs and the quantity and quality of water they yield, and to put down test holes where additional information was needed.

This project was part of a statewide Works Progress Administration project known as a "Statewide Inventory of Water Wells," sponsored by the [Texas] State Board of Water Engineers. The Division of Ground Water of the United States Geological Survey cooperated in the technical direction of the project and the Bureau of Industrial Chemistry of the University of Texas furnished laboratory space and equipment and supervised the chemical analyses.

The analyses were made by chemists employed on Works progress Administration project 6507-5112 at Austin, Texas, sponsored by the State Board of Water Engineers. This release was. typed and assembled by typists and draftsmen employed on this project.

The field work in Freestone County was started on January 17, 1936, and completed on June 1, 1936. This project was project 2077 of District 5 of the Works Progress Administration, Palestine, Texas. H. L. Chenault, an engineer, was project superintendent. Mr. Chenault deserves credit for his work and for the many extra hours he spent on the project. The Palestine office of the Works Progress Administration made this work possible by their constant help and cooperation.

This release contains the well and spring records and well logs obtained by the project superintendent, logs of the test holes drilled by the W. P. A. labor, and the chemical analyses of water from privately owned wells and springs. Locations of all wells and springs listed are shown on the map in the back of the release.

The test wells were drilled by W. P. A. labor using a soil auger, drop auger, churn drill, and a sand bucket. Samples were collected at one foot intervals by the well driller in charge of the party. The project superintendent studied these samples and compiled the logs.
