Vertebrate Pest Conference Proceedings collection


Date of this Version

March 1972

Document Type



Kansas is unique because it is the only state that has an organized state-wide program that is administered through the State Cooperative Extension Service and where that program is the only form of a governmental predator program in the state. Missouri and the eastern part of South Dakota have Extension Trapper Systems administered through the state wildlife conservation departments. These states also pay bounties on predatory animals. Kansas does not. To fully appreciate the Kansas system, it is important to understand the agency that administers the program. Let us briefly review the Cooperative Extension Service, Created by the Smith-Lever Act of 1914, Extension is a part of the land grant college in each state and an educational program geared to getting research applied. It is tied to the USDA by means of (1) state acceptance of the Smith-Lever Act, (2) the fact that states match federal money to support the program, and (3) a Memorandum of Understanding between the Secretary of Agriculture and the land grant institutions for program administration. County financial support has now evolved because local people support the program and see it as their own. Thus, the Kansas State University Extension Service is a three-way partnership involving, federal, state, and county funds and people.
