Vertebrate Pest Conference Proceedings collection


Date of this Version

March 1974

Document Type



On behalf of the California Vertebrate Pest Committee, I want to extend a welcome to the sixth meeting of the Vertebrate Pest Conference.

With this welcome, I would like to remind you that this is your Conference and hope that you will benefit from the program that has been arranged as well as the opportunity to become acquainted with and exchange ideas and information with your fellow workers in vertebrate pest control and associated fields. As has been said before, it is a great tribute to this Conference to have noted scientists willing to travel across the nation, from Canada and from abroad to participate in the program without financial remuneration from the Conference and frequently at considerable personal expense. We greatly appreciate their efforts and contributions.

We are all aware of the need to manage vertebrate pest populations with various methods of control, not only as it pertains to the agricultural industry, food production, and preservation of natural resources, but also to the public health, safety, and general welfare of people of all nations. We are aware of the need of chemicals for efficient and effective control programs.

There are those people and organizations who take an extreme viewpoint on any type of pest management and control except by nature's ways in maintaining the so-called balance of nature. This we know is not effective.
