Vertebrate Pest Conference Proceedings collection
Date of this Version
March 1970
Document Type
While trapping is probably the oldest pursuit of man, predating hunting and agriculture, it has not undergone many drastic changes since the first primitive attempts. An arbitrary classification of traps [improvised traps, snares-and nets, cage traps, spring traps and glues] is discussed and examples of each group given. As the behavioral and physical characteristics of vertebrate animals vary so much, it is impossible to discuss trapping procedures in any detail, but certain principles apply to most situations. These are: (1) need for an understanding of the target species' habit patterns, (2) selection of a trap size and design suitable for a given situation, (3) recognition of the need for a more humane approach, (4) maintaining traps in satisfactory mechanical condition, (5) proper placement, (6) attractive bait, (7) adequate concealment, and (8) a sufficient number of traps for a project.