Water Center



Date of this Version


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Published by Nebraska Water Resources Research Institute, University of Nebraska-Lincoln


NU Researchers Track Endangered and Threatened Sturgeon in Platte River
From the Director: Promises and Challenges of Embarking on New Journeys and Looking in New Directions
Meet the Faculty: F. Edwin (Ed) Harvey; Steven D. (Steve) Comfort
Eleventh Platte River Basin Ecosystem Symposium to be Held in Kearney February 27-28
Water Sciences Laboratory Completes Creighton Groundwater Study
Utility Deregulation Could Have Unforeseen Impacts on Water Resources and Ecosystems
Irrigation Well Data Available on the Internet
Jess Named Associate Director of NU Conservation and Survey Division
Festival of Color 2000
Water News Briefs
Great Plains Natural Resources Journal
CSREES Grant to NU Research Faculty
Water Wise in the Bathroom
Modern Clothes Washers Reduce Water Use
Groundwater Foundation Conference and Youth Summit
Initial Planning Targets NE-KS Stops for 2001 Summer Water Tour
