Water Center



Date of this Version

Winter 2010

Document Type



Published by Nebraska Water Resources Research Institute, University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Meet the Faculty (Tala Awada and Cody Knutson)
Above Average Precipitation Causes Groundwater Level Rises
$3.1 million NSF Grant Funds Innovative Grad Education Program
From the Interim Director: Getting a Feel for the Job With Lots Ahead for the Water Center
Free Water and Resources Lectures Continue
Planning Continues for Platte Basin Tour
October River Basins Symposium and Law Conference
Feds Mull Regulating Drugs in Water
Sediments and Emerging Contaminants: On the Menu and in the Air
Watching Water Consumption
Improved Site Adds New Features
Featured Partner: Tern and Plover Conservation Partnership
Wastewater Treatment Education Helps Protect Nebraska’s Water Resources
Water Resources Advisory Panel Sets Course for 2010
USGS Report: Pesticide Levels Decline in Corn Belt Rivers
News Briefs
