Water Center



Date of this Version

Summer 2012

Document Type



Published by the Nebraska Water Resources Research Institute, University of Nebraska-Lincoln


November Law and Science, Practice and Policy Events at Cornhusker Hotel

NU, Food and Agriculture Organization Partner on Water and Food Security

Meet the Faculty: Larkin Powell, Ph.D., Tonya Bernadt

From the Interim Director: Moving into a Busy Fall Schedule

Urrea Breeds Drought-Resistant Edible Beans in Western Nebraska

Advisory Board Meets in June

UNL's National Drought Mitigation Center

UNESCO-IHE Students Make First Visit to University of Nebraska

Schild Puts Priority on Conserving Water In Home Landscapes

Is Your Water Affecting Herbicide Performance?

Water Cap and Trade A Problem Solver for U.S. Rivers?

Operations of the Central Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District

2012 Water & Natural Resources Tour of Flooding and Lessons Learned From the 2011 Missouri River Flood

No One-size-fits-all Solutions to Water, Food Security

Collaboration Key to Water, Food Solutions

Longtime UNL Irrigation Management Specialist Dies at 61

Donations for North Central Nebraska Fire Recovery
