Agronomy and Horticulture, Department of


Date of this Version



Insect Science, Plant Disease, & Weed Science, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources 87(21) (August 14, 1987).


Copyright 1987 University of Nebraska


In This Issue:

  • Winter Annual Weed Control in Winter Wheat
  • Wheat After Atrazine
  • Hemp Dogbane Reminder

Winter Annual Weed Control in Winter Wheat

Wheat planting time is fast approaching. Each year many acres of wheat are blindly planted on land where obvious weed problems are likely to develop.

Wheat After Atrazine

We've had inquiries on planting wheat after spring use of atrazine on sorghum and corn. The atrazine label cautions that injury might occur. Moisture conditions strongly influence atrazine persistence. The general opinion is that in eastern Nebraska (l) if 1 1/4 lbs. or less of atrazine were applied in May or earlier, (2) the soil pH is 7 or less and organic matter 2% or greater, and (3) there has been good rainfall or irrigation, there wouldn't be a very high risk to winter wheat planted on such fields.

Hemp Dogbane Reminder

Hemp dogbane is in the correct stage for 2, 4-D or 2, 4-D + Banvel treatment in most areas by late August. Corn in the brown silk and milo in the dough stage can be safely treated. After pod set in adjacent soybean fields is complete, drift effects on soybeans will be minimal. It is important to treat before the dogbane leaves yellow or a frost occurs.
