Agronomy and Horticulture, Department of


Date of this Version



Insect Science, Plant Disease, & Weed Science, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources 87(8) (May 8, 1987).


Copyright 1987 University of Nebraska


In This Issue:

  • Leafy Spurge Control
  • Pasture Spraying and Grazing Restrictions
  • Buckbrusb and Snowberry--Control Time Is Row
  • Poast and Pusilade for Grass Control in Ornamentals

Leafy Spurge Control

Leafy spurge, an aggressive plant, continues to spread in Nebraska greatly reducing the carrying capacity of grazingland. Control on a large area is costly and difficult. Small patches should be treated before they spread and become a more costly problem. The ideal time to treat leafy spurge in much of Nebraska is from mid-May to early June. Leafy spurge is easily spotted at this time as the tops of plants are a bright yellow.

Pasture Spraying and Grazing Restrictions

Grazing restrictions on sprayed pastures vary with the herbicide and the type of livestock. The only restriction with 2,4-D is that lactating dairy animals not be grazed on treated areas within 7 days after application. There are no restrictions on meat animal grazing.

Buckbrush and Snowberry--Control Time Is Now

Buckbrush and western snowberry development is advanced due to early season warm temperatures. Research shows there I s a brief two-week period in May during which 2,4-D performs effectively for the control of these two woody plant species. Control time is now -- May 10 to 25 in eastern and southern Nebraska,. Northward, initial treatment could be delayed until May 20. Apply 1 1/2 quarts of low volatile 2,4-D ester (4 lbs. active ingredient per gallon) per acre in enough water to provide good coverage.

Poast and Fusilade for Grass Control in Ornamentals

Perennial grasses such as bromegrass, bluegrass, and quackgrass often become troublesome weeds in iris, peonies, other herbaceous plantings, and woody ornamentals. Likewise, annual grasses including crabgrass, foxtails, barnyard grass, and annual bromes present somewhat similar problems. There is an answer.
