Women's and Gender Studies Program


Date of this Version

Fall 1997


Volume 4 No:2 Fall1997


Used by permission.


Sponsored by the Women's Studies Program and Native American Studies, Beth Brant will be visiting UNL on October 20-22 to read from her work and talk with students, faculty, and all interested community members. Brant is a Bay of Quinte Mohawk lesbian writer. Some of her published works include: A Gathering of Spirit: A Collection by North American Indian Women (1984, 1989), Mohawk Trail (1985), Food and Spirits: Stories (1991), Writing as Witness: Essay and Talk (1994), and I'll Sing Til the Day I Die: Conversations with Tyendinaga Elders (1995). On Monday, October 20,Brant will hold an informal reading from 3:30-5:00p.m. in Andrews Hall lounge. On Tuesday, October 21, she will be holding another informal discussion from 1 :30- 3:00 p.m. in 228 Andrews Hall on the UNL campus. At 7:30 she will be speaking and reading from her own works in the Nebraska Union on the UNL Campus. All events are free and open to public. For those who can, we are requesting that you donate a can of food for the evening event for the Lincoln Food Bank.
