American Judges Association


Court Review: Journal of the American Judges Association


Brian MacKenzie

Date of this Version


Document Type



Court Review, Volume 51, Issue 3 (2015)


Copyright American Judges Association. Used by permission.


In my first column as president of the American Judges Association (AJA), I wrote about how our organization was working to improve itself. In the time since, I believe that effort has proven to be successful.

The growing number of Canadian judges in the AJA is a reflection of our commitment to representing all judges across North America. In this issue, you will see a new column from Canadian judge Wayne Gorman with the heading “Thoughts from Canada.” He has provided some very practical advice on the issue of recusal, along with an overview of Canadian recusal rules.

It is not simply an influx of new Canadian judges that has fueled the renewed growth of our organization. Rather, the AJA has worked hard to spread its message that it is the Voice of the Judiciary®, with goals to reflect the diversity of judges across North America while keeping its commitment to Making Better Judges®.
