Community and Regional Planning Program


Date of this Version



A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of The Graduate College at the University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements For the Degree of Master of Community and Regional Planning, Major: Community and Regional Planning, Under the Supervision of Professor Yunwoo Nam. Lincoln, Nebraska: May, 2012

Copyright 2012 Ronald Anthoney William Marney


This project is entitled “Incorporation of Green Infrastructure Into Comprehensive Storm Water Management and the Effective Utilization of LiDAR: In the Town of Berlin ”. The goal of this research was the creation of a Geographic Information System (GIS) based model for determining the suitability / feasibility of green infrastructure implementation, as defined by this study, within the study area. This model was only applicable for the identified elements or tools under green infrastructure as defined by this study. This enabled clear and concise definitions and more readily identified the criteria and their parameters. The scope of the model’s applicability is limited to municipal level or larger scales with the data and nature of the analysis being unsuited for site level analysis. The model was successful in determining the areas of probable suitability for green infrastructure implementation. It was found that the study area on average had a medium to high potential for green infrastructure implementation. The model and its resulting products led to implications for better incorporation of green infrastructure into planning. The model also represented an excellent tool for education of the general public on green infrastructure, its concepts, implementation, and potential for debunking myths on its drawbacks. The model also allowed easier adaptation for the municipality and for other similar communities wishing to implement comparable policies.

Advisor: Yunwoo Nam
