Community and Regional Planning Program


First Advisor

Abigail Cochran

Second Advisor

Zhenghong Tang

Third Advisor

Yunwoo Nam

Date of this Version


Document Type



A thesis presented to the faculty of the Graduate College at the University of Nebraska in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Master of Community and Regional Planning

Major: Community and Regional Planning

Under the supervision of Professor Abigail Cochran

Lincoln, Nebraska, December 2023


Copyright 2023, Tanner J. Hiemer


As a recent addition to our transportation systems, shared e-scooters have the potential to improve how people travel in the urban environment. While there is a lot to be hopeful about, the relative novelty of e-scooters calls for closer examination of how they interact with the built environment and other modes of transportation. Additionally, the equity of shared e-scooters must be at the forefront of discussion when considering their utility in the future. Given their flexibility in use, e-scooters could fill spatial gaps in transportation systems and provide improved mobility to those who are most transportation disadvantaged. This research aims to highlight the current state of shared e-scooters and to identify trends in their usage in Lincoln, Nebraska. A literature review assesses the current understanding of shared e-scooters in North America, examining factors that influence their use, public opinions towards their presence, and equity of their implementation. Trip data from e-scooters operating in Lincoln, NE was used in spatial and temporal analyses to identify any trends in usage. A community survey was also implemented to capture the demographic characteristics of riders and their attitudes towards e-scooters. To conclude, findings from the analyses of Lincoln e-scooter data and the survey are related back to existing literature and actions are recommended to optimize the future use of shared e-scooters within existing transportation systems.

Advisor: Abigail Cochran
