Agricultural Research Division of IANR


ARD News June 2005

Document Type Article


Comments from the Dean
ARD Internship Richard Ferguson
Sampson Range and Pasture Management Endowments
Strategic Planning in IANR
IANR Priority Goals 2005-2008
Anna Elliott Proposals
ARD Interdisciplinary Research Grants Program
Recognition of Junior Faculty for Excellence in Research
Layman Awards
ARD Advisory Council Election Results
Undergraduate Honors Research Program
William G. Whitmore Student Travel Endowment
David H. &Annie E. Larrick Fund 2005
ARD Web site has a "New Look"
Revised UNL Commodity Board Guidelines
New or Revised Projects - March and April 2005
Proposals Submitted for Federal Grants March and April 2005
Grants and Contracts Received for March and April 2005