Papers in the Biological Sciences


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Date of this Version



Reports of the State Biological Survey of Kansas (December 1, 1976), number 2: 74 pages, Jan Caldwell, editor.

Supplement I: Reports of the State Biological Survey of Kansas (February 6, 1978), number 20, 7 pages, Ronald L. McGregor, editor.

Supplement II: Reports of the State Biological Survey of Kansas (March 18, 1980), number 24, 7 pages, Ralph E. Brooks, editor.

Supplement III: Reports of the State Biological Survey of Kansas (February 15, 1982), number 25, 13 pages, Ralph E. Brooks, editor.


Copyright 1976-1982, the author. Used by permission.


There is at present no recent comprehensive manual of the Great Plains flora. Consequently, students of the flora must utilize monographs, revisions, and other sources in their work. This bibliography was compiled in order to facilitate location of available literature, and will be useful to anyone interested in the systematics of the plants of the Great Plains. This compilation was produced for the Great Plains Flora Association as an initial step in the preparation of a major flora for the region.

References to the plants of the Great Plains region as recognized in the Atlas of the Great Plains Flora (Iowa State University Press, Ames) are included herein. They are arranged alphabetically by genus whenever possible. Some larger works encompassing several genera are listed by families: Annonaceae, Asclepidaceae, Bignoniaceae, Boraginaceae, Capparaceae, Elaeagnaceae, Hydrophyllaceae, Leguminosae, Malvaceae, Onagraceae, Orchidaceae, Polemoniaceae, Rosaceae, and Umbelliferae. A single listing Pteridophyta, has been made by division. In the case of family or division listings, other literature pertaining to a specific genus will be included under the generic heading.

The papers in this bibliography will not necessarily be followed by the Great Plains Flora Association in treating the flora of the region. Additional references or corrections of those listed are welcomed for future supplements.

Abstract for Supplement I:

Since the Bibliography for the Great Plains flora was compiled in 1976, a number of papers have been published that are of interest to students of the region's flora. Additionally several papers are included which were overlooked in the first compilation.

References to the plants of the Great Plains region, as recognized in Atlas of the Flora of the Great Plains (Iowa State University Press, Ames, 1977), are included herein. Entries are listed alphabetically by genus except for several papers placed under the heading Pteridophyta.

I wish to acknowledge those Great Plains Flora Association members who assisted in compiling this supplement: T. M. Barkley, Kansas State University; Robert Kaul, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Gary Larson, North Dakota State University; and Ronald L. McGregor, University of Kansas.

Abstract for Supplement II:

Two years have elapsed since Supplement I of the Great Plains flora bibliography was printed and numerous publications relevant to the regional flora have emerged in the literature. In addition older papers are still being discovered as members of the Great Plains Flora Association prepare manuscript for our forthcoming manual of the Great Plains flora. Thus it is felt that it is time to bring these new listings to the attention of interested persons.

Entries are listed alphabetically by genus wherever possible or by family or division if necessary. Included are any references pertaining to the taxonomy or nomenclature of plants found in the Great Plains as delineated in the Atlas of the Flora of the Great Plains (Iowa State University Press, Ames, 1977).

The author is grateful to members of the Great Plains Flora Association who brought some of these articles to his attention.

Abstract for Supplement III:

The Bibliography of Taxonomic Literature of the Great Plains Flora, including this third supplement, now includes more than 1,200 entries relevant to the region's flora. Continued encouragement from my colleagues and students interested in the Great Plains flora has prompted me to continue compiling these references as they are brought to my attention.

Entries are listed alphabetically by genus wherever possible or by family or order if necessary. Included are any references deemed relative (by myself) to the taxonomy or nomenclature of plants found in the Great Plains as delineated in the Atlas of the Flora of the Great Plains (Iowa State University Press, Ames).

I am grateful to the many members of the Great Plains Flora Association who brought various references to my prepared manuscript for the forthcoming manual of flora.
