Papers in the Biological Sciences
Document Type
Date of this Version
June 1953
North Dakota is a great waterfowl state. Within its borders more ducks nest every summer than in any other state. Each fall thousands of hunters share in the excellent duck and goose hunting, and every school child is aware of the immense flocks of migrating waterfowl that are such a common sight. This booklet was written not only to serve as a guide in identifying these birds, but also to point out something of their habits and importance.
Depositor's note (June 2008): Paul seemed delighted when I presented him the source copy of this little pamphlet, which I had found this week among 12 cases of materials being "de-accessioned" (i.e., thrown out) from the library of the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. He said, "I see you have a copy of my rarest publication." He recalled that he was a senior at North Dakota Agricultural College when it was written, and that he received a $25 scholarship for the work. I was just happy to re-unite author and creation after 55 years of going separate ways. --P.R.
Copyright 1953 by the North Dakota Institute for Regional Studies at the North Dakota Agricultural College, Fargo, N. D.