Papers in the Biological Sciences


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Published in Review of Pheasants of the World by Jean Delacour (Spur, 1977). Johnsgard in the Auk (July 1978) v. 95. Copyright 1978, American Ornithologists' Union and university of California. Used by permission.


This book, one of Delacour's three major monographs on avian families (the others being the Anatidae and, with Dean Amadon, The Cracidae), was originally published in 1951 but went out of print in the late 196Os, when it quickly became a collector's item. At the request of the World Pheasant Association, an avicultural organization concerned with galliform conservation, Delacour undertook a revision of the book, and a new colored plate has been prepared by R. David Digby. That Delacour, now in his late 80's, should undertake such a project at all is a testimony to the amazing vigor and enthusiasm of this remarkable man. (He has just completed translation of the book into French!)

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